Anabaptist Witness Blog

Welcome to our blog, a forum to foster discussion and share ideas from different corners of the Anabaptist world. It is regularly updated with short reflection pieces, reactions to articles, comments on current events relating to mission, and more. If you are interested in contributing, please review our guidelines and contact information.

When You Feed the Hungry, Miracles Occur: Part two of three.

Last week I shared with you (here) how Teusaquillo Mennonite Church acted on a call to feed the homeless and make a statement about hunger and national priorities in Colombia, resulting in the miracle of feeding the hungry in the skidrow area called the Cartucho (later called the Bronx). This ministry has blessed many, and […]

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When You Feed the Hungry, Miracles Occur: Part one of three

When you feed the hungry, miracles occur. This is what happened to Jacob’s family when the land of Canaan suffered from famine, for God had prepared a divine solution through Joseph, Jacob’s son and God’s servant. This is what happened when Jesus fed the multitudes in Galilee, starting with a very modest packed lunch from […]

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Theological Education in Mission: A Century of Mennonite/Anabaptist Agencies Building Missional Capacities

Recently at their annual gathering, CIM, the Council for International Anabaptist Ministries explored “Multicultural mission collaboration: building capacity with churches to carry out their own ministries/mission/outreach.” One of the workshops focused on global models of training church workers. This workshop was led by James Krabill (Mennonite Mission Network), Rod Hollinger-Janzen (Africa Inter-Mennonite Mission), and myself […]

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