Anabaptist Witness Blog

Welcome to our blog, a forum to foster discussion and share ideas from different corners of the Anabaptist world. It is regularly updated with short reflection pieces, reactions to articles, comments on current events relating to mission, and more. If you are interested in contributing, please review our guidelines and contact information.

Mission and the Post-Christian Shaped Church

One of the things that interested me about studying missiology was that context was something that was taken seriously. Context is integral in shaping our world view, our theological views, the nature and expression of church, and how the Gospel is transmitted and encountered. Understanding context is essential for mission. A number of years ago, […]

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End the Culture of Violence

Black and Brown Americans live with the existential terror that they will be shot by a criminally motivated police officer. After the night of terror in Dallas, good police officers find themselves anxious about being targeted by disturbed snipers with semi-automatic rifles. Americans live with the persistent fear of terrorism and the threat that a […]

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