Anabaptist Witness Blog

Welcome to our blog, a forum to foster discussion and share ideas from different corners of the Anabaptist world. It is regularly updated with short reflection pieces, reactions to articles, comments on current events relating to mission, and more. If you are interested in contributing, please review our guidelines and contact information.

The Spirit, Mission, Peace, and “Global Anabaptist Theology”

This post is from a series of responses to our “Mission and Peace in Ethiopia” issue that were first published on Facebook. I picked up my copy of the special issue of Anabaptist Witness, “Mission and Peace in Ethiopia” during a trip to the US in June (unfortunately, it was not possible to purchase it […]

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Peacebuilding in Our Beloved Historical Countries

In his article in Anabaptist Witness volume 11, no. 1, “Mission and Peace in Ethiopia” (April 2024), Yimenu Adimas Belay states, “Peacebuilding in Ethiopia needs to be considered a crucial element of every Christian community in order to transform the situation of our beloved historical country” (p. 23). I really love this expression. It not […]

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