Anabaptist Witness Blog

Welcome to our blog, a forum to foster discussion and share ideas from different corners of the Anabaptist world. It is regularly updated with short reflection pieces, reactions to articles, comments on current events relating to mission, and more. If you are interested in contributing, please review our guidelines and contact information.

Walk Humbly

Do you know anyone personally that would raise their hand and joyfully accept Jesus’ demand of his disciples? I don’t mean declaring him Lord and Savior (Rom. 10:9-10), or loving your enemies (Matthew 5:44) or loving God (Mark 12:30). Those are all fine and good, commendable actually. We would be lost without all of this. […]

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Desencuentros  I/II

Bienaventurados los que procuran la paz, pues ellos serán llamados hijos de Dios. Mateo 5:13 Un día no volveremos a casa. Sólo esperamos que haya sido porque el Señor nos llamó a su presencia en medio de los que le aman. La participación de la iglesia menonita del centro de México en la Sexta brigada de búsqueda […]

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Anger, Lament, and Hope

The events that have been unfolding in Afghanistan are impacting me deeply. I lived there for three formative years in the early 1970s and have done numerous consultancies there since, both during and after the years of Taliban rule. I’ve been having trouble sorting out my conflicting thoughts and feelings about these events. Below is […]

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John Driver, Radical Disciple

Christian spirituality does not consist of a life of contemplation instead of action, nor of withdrawal instead of full participation in the social order. Rather, Christian spirituality is the experience of every dimension of human life being oriented around and animated by the very Spirit of Jesus. [1]  To be “spiritual” is to live every […]

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Home, Mission Field and the Great Commission: Ukrainian Evangelicals between Political and Missional Responsibilities

1. Ukraine under attack The 24th of February 2022 will forever mark one of the most important historic dates for Ukraine. On this day Russia invaded Ukraine with more than 100.000 troops and started an evil war against her Slavic neighbor with whom they share a millennium of common history. Now people are dying, soldiers, […]

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Comunidad Anabautista en México participa en la búsqueda de personas desaparecidas

La Comunidad Anabautista del Camino estuvo involucrada en la VI Brigada Nacional de Búsqueda de Desaparecidos que se realizó en el estado de Morelos en México, desde el 9 de octubre hasta el 4 de diciembre de 2021. Como iglesia estuvimos presente en diferentes actividades de la Brigada, acompañando espiritualmente a las buscadoras y buscadores […]

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Lies, Fakes, and Deception in Political Discourse—Can Christians Join In?

War has been raging in Ukraine for days. Russia has invaded the country, supposedly only to assist the breakaway areas of Ukraine, the so-called People’s Republics of Lugansk and Donetsk. In truth, the entire country is already in a state of war. What was and is being sold to the world as a peacekeeping mission […]

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Place and the Construction of Christian Service – Response to AW Book Forum by Alain Epp Weaver

Read the AW Book Forum presentation – Service and the Ministry of Reconciliation by Alain Epp Weaver here. Place and the Construction of Christian Service Response to AW Book Forum by Alain Epp Weaver* Where does Christian service unfold? What places shape understandings of Christian service? How have those landscapes of Christian service been formed […]

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AW Book Forum – Response to Epp Weaver by Anicka Fast

Read the AW Book Forum presentation – Service and the Ministry of Reconciliation by Alain Epp Weaver here. Response to Epp Weaver by Anicka Fast* “Making room for the vitality of world Christianity” within MCC A review of Alain Epp Weaver, Service and the Ministry of Reconciliation: A Missiological History of Mennonite Central Committee (North […]

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AW Book Forum – Response to Epp Weaver by Andrés Pacheco Lozano

Read the AW Book Forum presentation – Service and the Ministry of Reconciliation by Alain Epp Weaver here. Response to Epp Weaver by Andrés Pacheco Lozano* “Así que somos embajadores[as] de Cristo” (2 Cor. 5:20, NVI). Some years ago, I had the opportunity to read and discuss this text on the Ministry of Reconciliation (2 […]

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