Academic article

Journal Article

Academic article by Peter Wigginton

The Colombian Peace Accords and the Church

Disponible en español.

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Journal Article

Academic article by Daniel Moya

Justicia restaurativa y transformación de conflictos

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Journal Article

Academic article by Kathryn M. L. Smith Derksen

Nonviolence as a Call to Creativity

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Journal Article

Academic article by Johannes Reimer

The Mission of the Church in a World of War

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Journal Article

Academic article by Andrew Bush

The Complexity of Mission in Contexts of Conflict

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Journal Article

Academic article by César García, David Wiebe

Global Partnerships

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Journal Article

Academic article by César García

La mission de Dieu et les partenariats mondiaux

Available in English
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Journal Article

Academic article by César García

La misión de Dios y las asociaciones globales

Available in English
Disponible en français

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Journal Article

Academic article by Anicka Fast

Enfants sacrés et subsides coloniaux chez les missionnaires des Frères mennonites

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Journal Article

Academic article by R. Bruce Yoder

Mission Engagement in Nigeria in an Epoch of Partnership

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