Blog entry

Caring for People above All Else: Integrating Prayer, Relief, and Peace to Build God’s Church

  Two recent events emphasized the ways that the power of prayer combined with relief and peacemaking work are energizing the mission of God in the Ethiopian context. The first of these was a Zoom conference on February 15th featuring President Desalegn Abebe of the Meserete Kristos Church (MKC), an Anabaptist denomination in Ethiopia with […]

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Everydayness in Mission Theory

1. Everydayness – a concept conquers the academic world In recent years, academic discussion in the social sciences has focused strongly on the concept of the ordinariness of human existence. In this context, everydayness is understood to be a “common, everyday occurrence characterized by nothing extraordinary” or even an “everyday process.”[2]  Even more, it is […]

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They are so sad because they have no friends

The Flag Says Everything At the beginning of July, I visited Poland with a WEA staff member with the aim of getting to know a bit better the refugee work of the Slavic Protestant congregations in the country. Among others, we met the newly married couple Natasha and Ivan.  Both fled from Belarus to Poland […]

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To Love Your Enemy, You Need Grace

How to Relate to Enemies the Jesus Way? Evangelical Christians are quick to pull out the golden rule of proper behavior. “What would Jesus say?” is that rule. In times of war, however, the rule seems not to apply for the vast majority of Christians. Christians turn instead to just war theory, enroll in the […]

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Palomas arcoíris: hacia una misión anabautista-queer latinoamericana

Estamos en el mes del Orgullo LGBTIQA+ y como anabautistas es importante que podamos celebrar y acompañar bien a las personas que pertenecen a esta comunidad en nuestras iglesias desde nuestra particularidad religiosa. Este ha sido un año histórico para las luchas de las personas LGBTIQA+ dentro de la tradición Anabautista. Se aprobó la resolución […]

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Sembrando Esperanza

Sembrando Esperanza es el nombre de la organización donde tengo la oportunidad de colaborar. Es una institución con principios anabautistas que realiza su trabajo en Guatemala para comunidades q’eqchi’s que habitan las montañas altas y húmedas de Alta Verapaz, región donde se cultiva frijol, maíz, café, té, cardamomo, lo cual se hace de forma artesanal. […]

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Celebration, Critique, and Mission

What does it mean to celebrate mission efforts? What is the role of critique within mission? How do celebration and critique relate when reflecting on the church’s mission efforts? A paper this past October (2021) by two anthropologists, Philip Fountain and Laura Meitzner Yoder, entitled “Celebrating Service: An Anthropology of Mennonite Festivity” (presentation begins at […]

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The Power of Nonviolent Resistance

Unarmed people block tanks. Street signs are changed so that “F*ck you!” is written on them or all roads point to The Hague to the International Criminal Court. Videos circulate of Ukrainians offering to tow Russian soldiers stranded without fuel to Moscow, and pictures of Russian deserters being welcomed with tea and cheers. Across Europe, […]

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Russian Orthodox Priests Call for New Leadership

The Russian Orthodox Church under pressure More than 400 Ukrainian Orthodox priests under the Moscow Patriarchate have called for an international tribunal on Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and official condemnation of his adherence to Russian nationalism, or the so-called “Russki Mir.” In an extended interview with a Ukrainian newspaper, the Orthodox priest Protoierei Andrey Pinchuk […]

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Walk Humbly

Do you know anyone personally that would raise their hand and joyfully accept Jesus’ demand of his disciples? I don’t mean declaring him Lord and Savior (Rom. 10:9-10), or loving your enemies (Matthew 5:44) or loving God (Mark 12:30). Those are all fine and good, commendable actually. We would be lost without all of this. […]

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