Blog entry

Theological Education in Mission: A Century of Mennonite/Anabaptist Agencies Building Missional Capacities

Recently at their annual gathering, CIM, the Council for International Anabaptist Ministries explored “Multicultural mission collaboration: building capacity with churches to carry out their own ministries/mission/outreach.” One of the workshops focused on global models of training church workers. This workshop was led by James Krabill (Mennonite Mission Network), Rod Hollinger-Janzen (Africa Inter-Mennonite Mission), and myself […]

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Grappling with the Allergens: Response to David Driedger and the Allergy to Mission

The following submission is a response to a previous article in the Anabaptist Witness blog, found here. Dear David, I would like to thank you for expressing your thoughts and voicing your concerns. It is this communal engagement and discernment that allows us to learn from one another as we explore how to journey in […]

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The Strange Language of the Kingdom: An Advent Reflection

“Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds.” The Apostle Paul Romans 12:2 In 2010 Stanley Hauerwas gave a commencement address to Eastern Mennonite Seminary with the title, “Speaking Christian.” In that address he said, “To learn to be a Christian, to learn the discipline […]

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In anticipation of Anabatist Witness’ next issue theme “Taste and See: Anabaptist, Food, and Mission”, to be released later this month, we’re offering up a treat of a blog post from former Seed volunteer Amy Eanes, who reflects on the spiritual goodness of preparing a tradtional Chocoano dish. We hope this whets your appetite as […]

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The Korean Ecumenical Peace Network in North America: An Introduction

북미 한인 기독교 평화 네트워크 (Korean Ecumenical Peace Network in North America) Introduction Since the 1970’s, Christian leaders across denominations have worked together towards peace, especially for the peace and reunification of the Koreas. In an effort to revive and affirm the peace movement amongst Korean Christians, twenty church leaders from five denominations met on […]

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Old Gospel Hour

The following is a poem by regular Anabaptist Witness contributor H.J. Recinos. He writes: I wrote the poem Old Gospel Hour to reflect on how many churches reject the browning of the pews.  I hope this poem reminds Christians to bear witness to their Crucified Lord by crossing the boundaries of difference. The Word made flesh […]

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Possible Treatment for the Allergy to Missions

Hippolyto Tshimanga from Mennonite Church Canada began his session at Mennonite World Conference with an anecdote about a friend who has an “allergy to missions.” I have to admit I found myself getting a little irritated just listening. Indeed, I was having an allergic reaction. Having recently returned home from Mennonite World Conference, I saw […]

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The Global Church Challenges North Americans to Move beyond Negative Associations with Mission

The following is an excerpt from Nelson Kraybill‘s Schrag Lecture at Messiah College on March 26, 2015. The Lecture was titled “Alternating Currents and Multi-Directional Ministry: Global Anabaptism and its Challenge to the North American Church.” The full transcript will be published in Brethren in Christ History and Life journal in the fall.  Growth of the […]

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MWC Reflects Rich Diversity of Anabaptist Witness

I arrived at Harrisburg 2015 at the end of my two-year term in Ecuador as a mission worker, traveling straight to Pennsylvania before going to my home area. This meant enjoying the event with other colleagues or leaders I worked with in Ecuador (Ecuadorian, Chilean, Colombian, and US American), as I transition to life back […]

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A South African Reflection on Mennonite World Conference

God is a missionary. Jesus is a missionary Lord. The Holy Spirit is a missionary empowerer. The entire Bible is a missional book. The whole church is a missional people. – overheard at the Mennonite World Conference Mission Commission meetings The halls of the Harrisburg Farm Show Complex in the capital of Pennsylvania are abuzz […]

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