Book review

Journal Article

Book review by David Driedger

David W. Congdon, The God Who Saves

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Journal Article

Book review by Allegra Friesen Epp

Michael Asch, On Being Here to Stay: Treaties and Aboriginal Rights in Canada

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Journal Article

Book review by Josiah Neufeld

David Wallace-Wells, The Uninhabitable Earth: Life after Warming

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Journal Article

Book review by Steve Heinrichs

Dina Gilio-Whitaker, As Long as Grass Grows: The Indigenous Fight for Environmental Justice, from Colonization to Standing Rock and Lynne Davis, Jeffrey S. Denis, and Raven Sinclair, eds., Pathways of Settler Decolonization

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Journal Article

Book review by Randy Haluza-DeLay

Andrew Cheon and Johannes Urpelainen, Activism and the Fossil Fuel Industry

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Journal Article

Book review by Jamie Pitts

Joanna Shenk, The Movement Makes Us Human: An Interview with Dr. Vincent Harding on Mennonites, Vietnam, and MLK

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Journal Article

Book review by Henry Krause

Emma Battell Lowman and Adam J. Barker, Settler: Identity and Colonialism in 21st Century Canada

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Journal Article

Book review by Sarah Augustine

Walter Sawatsky, Going Global with God as Mennonites for the 21st Century

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Journal Article

Book review by Donia Wiebe-Neufeld

Jim Antal, “Climate Church, Climate World: How People of Faith Must Work for Change”

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Journal Article

Book review by James R. Krabill

Jayson Georges and Mark D. Baker, “Ministering in Honor-Shame Cultures: Biblical Foundations and Practical Essentials”

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