Reflection piece

Journal Article

Reflection piece by Alix Lozano

Jesús, la mujer y el encuentro en un espacio de frontera

English language version available

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Journal Article

Reflection piece by Anne Thiessen

The Tension of Grace

Disponible en version française

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Journal Article

Reflection piece by David W. Shenk

Neither Male nor Female

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Journal Article

Reflection piece by Brianna C. Millett

I Have No Husband

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Journal Article

Reflection piece by Arli Klassen

Response to “Building Right Relationships”

Disponsible en español

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Journal Article

Reflection piece by Sarah Thompson

Equipos Cristianos de Acción por la Paz

Exclusive online content
English-language version available.

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Journal Article

Reflection piece by John Fumana

Together, Let’s Partner in the Gospel

Exclusive online content
Disponible en version française

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Journal Article

Reflection piece by John Fumana

Ensemble, pour le partenariat dans l’Évangile

English language version available

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Journal Article

Reflection piece by Ofelia García, Victor Pedroza

Following in Jesus’s Steps

Exclusive online content
Disponible en español

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Journal Article

Reflection piece by Ofelia García, Victor Pedroza

Siguiendo los pasos de Jesús

English language version available

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