April 2023
The essays in this issue of Anabaptist Witness explore some of the opportunities and challenges that emerge when the goals of education and mission intersect. Authors reflect on themes such as interculturality, peace, the embodied gospel, and imperialism in relation to educational experiences in Colombia, Ecuador, Egypt, England, Indonesia, Iraq, and the United States. The issue was guest edited by Shin Ji Kang (James Madison University) and Ron Shultz (Eastern Mennonite University).
November 2023
This issue of Anabaptist Witness contains articles from Britain, Canada, India, and the United States on the theme of “New Anabaptist Communities.” Many of the articles reflect on denominational, conference, and parachurch efforts to start new communities, while some of them narrate grassroots efforts to found congregations outside of any institutional prompting. Many of the articles reflect theologically on connections between Anabaptist identity, mission, peace, and justice. Taken together, the essays suggest various paths forward in making connections between growth and discipleship, between the intentional creation of new communities and faithful witness to Jesus.